Ministry Honors Long-time Volunteer

William “Bill” Powell is a faithful and devoted volunteer in the GHCCM Pharmacy.  On Tuesday, July 16, he was given a surprise birthday party at the ministry as he reached his 90th birthday.  GHCCM Pharmacy staff hosted a pancake breakfast.  Those attending included pharmacy volunteers, family, friends and staff at GHCCM.

Bill has been a pharmacy volunteer for almost 30 years!  He volunteered with CCM’s first volunteer pharmacist Bill Steadman which was in Viewmont beginning in 1995. Bill continued volunteering with good friend Jerry Peppers.  The two friends continue to volunteer in the pharmacy two mornings per week. 

Bill has a history in pharmaceuticals; he was a drug rep for Parke- Davis before volunteering for CCM.  As stated by Lisa Brown (GHCCM’s Pharmacy Manager): “It is my belief that Bill’s years of volunteering in the pharmacy has helped keep him youthful and sharp-witted. We appreciate Bill’s years of dedication to the ministry and its patients”.

GHCCM is thankful to all of our volunteers.  We could not meet the needs of the ministry without our valued volunteers.